Bosbury Concert Reviews

March 15th 1862

Amateur Concert at Bosbury.
Whenever we are called upon to assist at any celebration in the pleasant and fertile vale of Bosbury we are impressed with the foregone conclusion that there will be something to gratify our readers, enliven our own spirits, and give a zest to the hilarity which will be provoked so as to encompass even the humblest dweller in the hamlet. The amateur concert, in the Boy’s School-room, in that place, realised all our anticipations; nay, more, exceeded the hopes some of the warmest promoters of the object for which the concert was designed—that of providing a harmonium for assistance in church psalmody. Nothing dismayed by the sharp and piercing easterly wind, which whistled its unwelcome and hoarse notes in every nook and crauny, as the shades of evening closed in, to the surprise and gratification of the “woodman plodding his weary way,” and the villagers generally, the carriages rattled continuously into the village, and as the hour of eight drew nigh, the native population began to assemble near to the Lichen-gate and all the adjacent spots favourable to obtaining a glimpse of the fashionable company congregating to do honour to so useful a purpose and so religious an aim. If there had been twenty “link boys,” with “your honour, a light!” it would have added much to the brilliancy of the scene, which was, nevertheless, enlivening. All the approaches to the school house were thronged by Bosburians, undaunted by the darkness of the night, which was felt the more when an occasional light broke the gloom of the dull and leaden atmosphere. But once inside the room warm and cosy, the cordial greetings and happy smiles gave promise, that each having had the privilege of purchasing a ticket had done so with a full intention of realising the enjoyment which is so well appreciated in a night at the Opera, an hour at the Ballet, or the new scene of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthews “at home.” Every seat was occupied, standing places were at a premium to those who reached the trysting place late, and many more tickets could have been sold if there had been feasible power of elongating the room. Among the ladies and gentlemen present were the High Sheriff, J. H. Arkwright, Esq., Edwin Arkwright, Esq., the Misses Arkwright, Hampton Court; Rev. G. Cornewall, Moccas ; Rev. B. L. Stanhope and Mrs. Stanhope; Rev. Edward Higgins; Rev. W. P. Hopton and Mrs. and Miss Hopton, Bishop‘s Froome; Captain and Mrs. Charles Hopton, Canon Froome; Colonel Webb, Ledbury; Rev.W. Pulling, Eastnor; Mrs. and Miss Wood; Mr. G. C. Curtis; Rev. A. and Mrs. J. Douglas; Mr. Vale and Miss Vale; R. Summers, Esq., Cradley; Rev. E. R. Hampden; the Misses Bright, Brand Lodge; Miss Gore, Cheltenham; Mr., Mrs., and Misses (3) Pitt Temple Court, Misses Pitt (3), Mr. and Mrs. John Pitt, Mr. and Mrs. Pitt, Freetown; Mr. and Mrs. Harrington; Mr. Hooper: Mr., Mrs., and Misses Hickman, Mr. Hickman, jun., Old Court; Mr. Hawkins, Prior’s Court: Mrs. and Misses Shayle and party; Mr., Mrs., and Miss Andrews, Cattley Cross; Mr., Mrs., and Miss Andrews, Shenscroft; Mr. TreLerne, Lower Town; Mr. Mason; Misses Palmer (2); Mr. Drinkwater; Mr. Gregg, Ledbury; Mr. Welland; Mr. Clarke; Mr. Harper; Mr. and Mrs. Taylor; Mr. and Miss Kenrick; Mr. James Mutlow, Goldhill; Mr. and Mrs. Gardner; Mrs. Edwards; Mr. Hiatt; Mrs. Acton; Mrs. Sidney Gregg; Mr. Spencer and Misses Bayliss, Ledbury; Dr. Dollason; Mrs. Greaves, Cattley Cross; Mr. Greaves, Derby; Mr. Heath; Mr. Ballard; Mr. Skittery; Mr. and Mrs. J. Pitt, Weston; Mr. Childs, Hereford; Mr. Hawkett, Woodcrofts; Mrs. Stephen Pitt and Mr. Pitt, Ashperton; Mrs. Green, Great Catley; Mrs. T. Gardner, Bosbury; Miss Edwards, Ashperton; Miss Noake, Worcester, &c.
   A party of distinguished amateurs, headed by the High Sheriff of tho county, volunteered for the instrumental part of the performance. Besides the High Sheriff (J. H. Arkwright, Esq.) were E. Arkwright, Esq., Misses Arkwright, Miss Ward, Rev. G. Cornewall, C. Wren Hoskyns. Esq., — Willet, Esq., all instrumental; and the vocalists were Miss Moore, Bosbury ; the Misses Woodward, Rogers, Spencor, Ballard, Ledbury; Messrs. Burrows, Peacock, Palmer, Gardener, Bosbury; Mr. King, organist, Eastnor; Messrs. Burden, Ledbury ; and the whole under the able conductorship of Mr. Jabez Jones, of Worcester, who kindly gave his services for the occasion. It will be seen at a glance that a choice selection of vocal and instrumental music had been made, and had been so arranged to make a long evening pass in an enjoyment of the purest delight.


1. Overture “Semiramide.” .................... Rossini.
2. Madrigal “Soldiers, brave and gallant be.” Gastoldi.
3. Song “Rupert the Ranger.” ................... Weiss.


4. Madrigal “As the stream that shineth bright.” ... Martin.
5. ViolinSolo(accomp.) “Lucia di Lammermoor.” .. Donizetti


6. Quartette “The Nightingale.” .......... Mendelssohn.
7. Madrigal “Since first saw your face” ........ Ford.
8. Song “Slumber sweetly.” ............... Flotow.


9. Glee “From Oberon in fairy land.” ..... Stevens.
10. Symphony ................................... Beethoven.


Overture “Guillaume Tell.” ...................... Rossini.
2. Solo and Chorus “Come where my love lies dreaming. ... Foster.
3. Duet “Could a man be secure.” .......... Goodwin.


4. Madrigal “Come let us all a Maying go.” ...... Martin.
5. Quartette “Where art thou, beam of light?” Sir.H.Bishop.
6. Flute Solo (acc.) “Blue Bells of Scotlond,” with variations.


7. Song “My home, my heart’s first home.” ......... Wallace.


8. Madrigal “Down in a flowery vale.” ................... Festa.
9. Waltz “Violante.”
10. Serenade “Sleep,gentle Lady.” ......... Sir H.Bishop.
11. Overture “Figaro.” .............. Mozart.

“God save the Queen.”

   The overture was played with consummate taste, and the madrigal went off with great precision and in excellent tune, and the performers were rewarded with a loud burst of applause. “Rupert the Ranger” was sung by Mr. King with a spirit and vigour that would have led the bold foresters to enter that gentleman on their list of “ jolly good fellows,” and one who, as a singer, is well up in the requirements of his profession, which in the words of Weiss&esquo;s song, “prevents him from losing his way.” The madrigal, “As the stream that shineth bright,” was sparkling, and elicited very decided approval. The violin solo by Mr. Arkwright, accompanied by a lady on the piano, was a rich piece of artistic excellence, rewarded with a rapturous encore, which was most courteously acknowledged by the gallant officer with one of Mr. Sims Reeves’s low bows. The quartette was received with marked approval. The madrigal, “Since first I saw your face,” proves the enjoyment which these revivals of time-honoured music create, the performers being animated with no common spirit as they instinctively caught the “express image” of the popular feeling. The song, “Slumber sweetly till the morrow,” by Mr. Jabez Jones, of Worcester, the conductor, was given in his own charming style, and was re-demanded with eager lips. Always ready to contribute to the amusements of the company, he replied to the call and substituted “The fine old English gentleman,” which he gave with peculiar emendations, which caused the walls to echo the approval of the judicious way in which this beautiful remnant of the olden time was executed. The symphony, played neatly and accurately, closed the first part. The instrumentation in the overture, “Guillaume Tell,” was equal to any amateur playing we have heard, in which Mr. Willett”s accurate regard to time and brilliancy of execution was the theme of universal praise. Mr. King and Mr. Burrows’ duet was rendered both with spirit and effect as to scarcely avoid the call for an encore, which it would have received, only that repetitions were beginning to be guaged by thoughtful hearers as too heavy an impost to be laid on the executants. The flute solo, by Chandos Wren Hoskyns, Esq., accompanied by young lady on the piano, in the air, “Blue Bells of Scotland,” with variations, was “a gem of beauty” that enraptured the audience. Mr. Peacock’s song was received with much favour and warm encouragement, calculated to stimulate the genius of the talented and youthful organist of the church of Bosbury, to whom in his profession we wish all success. The madrigal of three centuries ago was like ripe old wine and needs no bush from us. The company expressed their sign of approval, and we close this notice with a brief allusion to the high opinion formed of Miss Moore’s part in the musical arrangements. She is the much respected mistress of the school, has a voice capable of performing wonders under judicious control, but requires now and then a little clearer enunciation of the words. The young ladies from Lebbury (not “Ludlow,” as our contemporary in a preliminary notice described them last week) have personal charms, accurate taste, and enviable voices to recommend them to the admiration of their audiences whenever they essay to appear in public. We encourage them to train their sweet and mellifluous voices, for a great future may be in their path. Let “Excelsior” be inscribed on their exercises, and a Herefordshire nightingale may rise from among their little circle of incipient aspirants for national fame. The gentleman from Ledbury who took a part so successfully and well this evening (memorable as it must become in the local annals) will know how to push “onward, upward” in the rugged path which leads to musical celebrity without word more from us. To the vicar and those ladies and gentlemen who contributed so largely by their skill and care an evening’s perfect happiness, everybody must feel a debt of gratitude.
   We are desired to say that Mr. Jabez Jones gave his services, and that Mr. Willett kindly took the part assigned to the Rev. W. Newton, of Bredwardine, who was prevented attending by the death of his brother-in-law, the Rev. H. Clelan.
   After the concert, the performers honoured the Vicar with their company to supper at the Vicarage, where a very elegant repast was served up.
   It is gratifying to state that the amount realized by sale of tickets was about £19, which, after deducting expenses, will leave a sufficient sum for the purchase of a harmonium.
As a postscript, we must say that the rooms at the Bell Inn were devoted to fun, frolic, and dancing to the tune of a harp and violin played by an Archenfield man and his daughter, and that the villagers thronged the hostelrie and conducted themselves so orderly that in the small and early hours of the morning (Saturday) we were kept wakeful by the sound of the many twinkling (heavy nailed ?) feet. The young person who presided at the harp sang “Annie Laurie” with a full and sweetly attuned voice which was not thrown without effect upon the ears of her rustic listeners, and consequently there may be said to have been two concerts on one night in the village of Bosbury.

From the Hereford Journal - Supplement   Saturday, 15 March 1862 p.9 col.1

May 9th 1863

(From Our Own Correspondent.)
  I some time since informed the readers of your excellent and widely-circulated newspaper that Mr. Peacock, the persevering and intelligent schoolmaster of this plucky little town, had organized a drum and fife band amongst the youths of the place, principally the sons of labouring men. It is not to be understood, however, that the more respectable inhabitants exclude themselves from participation in this movement, which the spare hours of the rising generation are intellectually and, I need scarcely add, profitably employed. They join most readily, and I am pleased to observe that the excellent example of fellow parishioners is not lost upon those young fellows to whom I have alluded, and in whose future welfare I cannot help taking a legitimate share of interest. It is in this cause I hope obtain from you room for a somewhat lengthy narration of the proceedings at a concert which took place on Friday night last, and the proceeds of which are to be devoted to providing the necessary articles of music, &c., for our band. As a first effort I consider it exceedingly gratifying, and I hope pecuniarily successful. The concert was held in the Grammar School, which you know stands upon a time honoured spot near the fine old church. Among the company were the Rev. B.L.S. Stanhope, vicar; the Rev. Edward Higgins, Bosbury House; Rev. — Curtis. Coddington Rectory; Rev. W. Stanhope, Ballingham; Captain Stanhope, R.N., Holme Lacy House; Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Catley Cross; Mr. W. and Mrs. Andrews, Shinns Croft; Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Worcester; Mr. Palmer and family, Note House ; Mr. Treherne and Miss Edwards, Lower Town, Ashperton; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gardiner and party; Miss Hickman and party, Old Court; Mr. J. and Mrs. Palmer, Lower Townend; Mr. and Mrs. Dutton, late of the Angler Inn, Hereford; Mr. Timothy Spencer, Ledbury; Mrs. Calder, the Slatch Farm; Mr. Anney, the Riddings; Mr.Graves, Mathon; Mrs. Acton, the Grange; Mrs. and Master Green, Catley; Mr. W. Palmer and Miss Palmer, Burton Farm, Ledbury; &c, &c. I also understand that several other friends from Temple Court and other places would have been present had not circumstances beyond their control interfered keep them away.
  The orchestra was composed as follows :—
  Conductor: Mr. Peacock.—Pianoforte: Mr. A. King.
Trebles: Miss Moore and Miss Townsend.
  Alto: Miss Corner.
  Tenors: Messrs. Gardiner, Barnes, Palmer, and Jackson.
  Basses: Messrs. Burrows, Farmer,Chadd, and Caulder.
  The following is the programme :—
  Part 1.—Pianoforte solo, Mr. King; solo and chorus, “God bless the Prince of Wales,” Mr. Farmer—B. Richards; glee “May Day” —Muller; duett, “The moon has raised her lamp high,” Messrs. King and Peacock—Benedict; song and chorus, “All’s for the best,” Mr. T. Gardener—Christy’s Minstrels; duett “The Convent Bells,” Miss Mower and Miss Corner— Stevens; glee, “Oh, ho! Robin Hood”—West; Mr. Burrows being indisposed, Master Brewer sang a nigger song; trio, “Peace to the memory of the brave,” Miss Mower, Miss Corner, and Mr. Peacock—Wallace.
  Part 2.—Pianoforte solo. Mr. King; glee, “See our oars” —Stevenson; song by Mr. King; glee, —“The hardy Norseman” —Pearsall; duett, “There’s a sweet wild rose,”Miss Mower and Miss Corner—Glover; quintet, “Sigh no more, ladies”—Stevens;, song, “When we went a Maying,” Mr. Peacock; trio, “We three be ranger lads,” Messrs Barrows, King and Peacock—Bishop; glee, “Hark the lark”—Cooke . National Anthem. The execution Mr. King’s pianoforte nolo was marked by considerable taste, and Mr. Farmer, who is the schoolmaster at Bishop’s Froome sang “God bless the Prince Wales” in manner that evidently afforded great satisfaction to the audience, who were by no means chary in expressing their feelings. Mr. Gardiner rendered “All’s for the best” in a hearty and unaffected manner, and yet with such perfect sang froid that he appeared to be quite master of his study, was vociferously encored, and his return, in the most polite and polished manner, was hailed with noisy demonstration, such as clapping of hands, stamping of feet, and other movements indicative of an exuberance of delight. You should have seen Master Tom upon his legs the second time, with plaudits falling round him
“Thick as autumnal leaves in Vallambrosa”.
His singing of his song this time was, if possible, a more creditable performance than his first essay. I begin to think he is rayther an oldish bird at this ditty, and that he whistles it to the sheep and lambs in the morning. Misses Moore, Corner, and Townsend sang very beautifully in voices clear, soft, and musical, and in a manner seldom heard in the country, the compositions allotted to them. So pleased indeed was the audience that they received the most flattering plaudits, and were most de terminedly encored. Mr. Burrows, who was set down for a song, rose and observed that it would very ungrateful of him if he did not offer the company an apology for his inability, in consequence of a cold, to perform the part allotted to him in the programme. He remarked that they would see by the circular that the proceeds the concert wereto be devoted to the expenses of the drum and fife band, which he had for the first time heard that day, ta the proficiency of which he was very much astonished, and the credit of establishing which was entirely due to Mr. Peacock. (Applause.) Master Brewer, of Worcester, who filled the hiatus left by Mr. Burrows, sang very amusing nigger song, which afforded much amusement. I would, were it likely ,you would find room for my lucubrations, dilate upon the performances scriatim, but I fear to be tedious and being voted a bore. You will therefore believe me when I write that tne concert went off admirably; and the performers acquitted themselves in a manner that fully entitles them to the thanks of the audience. No small amount of the credit, of course, devolves upon Mr. Peacock, who must have felt amply requited by the large attendance for the pain and trouble he had taken. I am delighted to think that our local vocalists aquitted themselves so well, and gave such individual satisfaction to all who had the pleasure of hearing them. It is, indeed, a happy augury for the future when see young people following assidnousiy the pursuit of pleasure in so instructive, so pleasing, so intellectual and so thoroughly commendable a form. It surely deserves the support of all thinking and progressive minds.
   I would not close this notice without adding one word by way of encouragement to my young friends Bosbury. As one who has known the place for some years, and who shall ever feel and manifest a very warm interest in all that may add to its interest and welfare, allow me to say that I was highly pleased to witness amongst the members of the band in the orchestra three or four young lads from the humbler walks of society, mixing with those to whom Providence has vouchsafed a larger portion of the goods of this world. I would strongly recommend them to persevere in the work they have begun. Life is builded up by small motives and impulses —even as the structure that rises to adorn our streets and squares, and to excite the admiration of the passer by, is the result of repeated and continuous efforts. There is no reason why they may not only become useful but important members of society. History is full of examples encouraging to them, and to all men striving after good. May I cite a few instances in support of my advice ? Ben Johnson worked with a trowel in his hand and a book in his pocket the building of Lincoln’s Inn; Hugh Miller, the eminent geologist and newspaper editor, was a mason; Professor Lee was carpenter; from a position humble yet honourable rose the celebrated Sir Richard Arkwright, the ancestor of that family whom we all so much respect and revere in this county; and Captain Cook, the eminent navigator, was a labourer, a man who it is said:
      Steer’d Britain’s oak into a world unknown,
      And his country’s glory sought his own.

From the Hereford Journal   Saturday, 9 May 1863 p.3 col.1

February 10th 1894

Concert.—A very successful concert was given here on Friday. The room was well-filled by people from all parts. The most success was achieved the banjo band, who were frequently encored, and played with great spirit. The comedietta was also well rendered, and received much applause. The success of the entertainment was owing to the energy and trouble taken by Mrs. Mynors. The following was the programme: Pianoforte duet, Mrs. Scarlett Vale and Miss M. Ayscough; song, ‘The old garden,’ Mrs. Arthur Haggard; Banjo Band march, ‘Black Bess,’ Miss Evelyn Deane, Mrs. Scarlett Vale, Mrs. Mynors, Mr. Reginald Masefield, Miss Mildred Ayscough. song, ‘Mrs. ’Enery ’Awkins,’ Capt. Haggard; song, ‘Thady O’Flinn,’ Miss A. Munn; recitation, ‘The cruise of the Nancy Bell,’ Capt. Haggard; song, Miss E. Deane; plantation song, Miss Lomas; Banjo Band, ‘Park crescent march,’ Miss Evelyn Deane, Mrs. Scarlett Vale, Mrs. Mynors, Mr. Reginald Masefield, Miss M. Ayscough; song, ‘The owl and the pussy cat,’ Miss A. Munn; song, ‘See me danoe the polka,’ Mr. George Lomas. The programme ended with the comedietta, ‘A Case for Eviction.’ Characters: Frank, Mr. A. W. M. Campbell; Dora, Miss F. Scobell; Mary, Miss E. Deane./p>

From the Worcester Chronicle   Saturday, 10 February 1894 p.5 col.3

Typeface: Baskerville, 1754
Transcriptions by BSS, 2016.
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