DATED 20th July 1966
- and -
- for -
sale and purchase of
The Bell Inn Bosbury
AN AGREEMENT made the 20th day of July One thousand nine hundred and sixty-six BETWEEN WEST COUNTRY BREWERIES LIMITED whose registered office is at 265 High Street Cheltenham Gloucestershire (hereinafter called “the Vendor”) of the one part and THE HEREFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (hereinafter called “the Purchasers”) of the other part
WHEREBY IT IS AGREED that the Vendor shall sell and the Purchasers shall purchase the freehold property described in the Schedule hereto for the sum of Sixty Pounds and the purchase shall be made and completed according to the following conditions and to the Law Society’s Conditions of Sale 1953 so far as the latter conditions are applicable to a sale by private treaty and are not varied by or inconsistent with the following conditions
1. The purchase shall be completed on the 31st day of August One thousand nine hundred and sixty- (when vacant possession shall be given to the Purchasers)
2. The Vendor will sell as Beneficial Owner
3. The title shall commence with a Conveyance on Sale dated the Tenth day of October One thousand nine hundred and Twenty-one
4. The property is sold subject to all rights of way and other easements and rights in the nature of easements (if any) affecting the property and without any obligation on the part of the Vendor to define the same and no objection or requisition shall be made in respect thereof
5. The Purchasers shall in the Conveyance to them enter into the following restrictive covenant namely :-
For the benefit and protection of the neighbouring property of the Vendor known as The Bell Inn Bosbury and all or any other such properties now belonging to the Vendor and so as to bind as far as possible the property hereby conveyed and any part thereof into whosesoever hands the same may come but so that the Purchasers shall not be liable for a breach of this covenant after the Purchasers shall have parted with all interest in the property hereby conveyed and so that this covenant shall be enforceable by the Vendor and its successors in title the owner or owners of The Bell Inn aforesaid and such other properties now belonging to the Vendor as aforesaid the Purchasers hereby covenant for themselves and the person deriving title under them with the Vendor not to carry on or suffer to be carried on upon the property hereby conveyed or any part thereof or in any huilding erected thereon the trade or business of a licensed victualler or sell beers wines or spirits for consumption on or the premises nor use the same as a Club wherein intoxicating liquor is sold or supplied nor brew or permit or suffer to be brewed upon the said property or on any part thereof or in any building erected or to be erected thereon any beer ale porter or other liquors or any intoxicating liquors of any description nor use the same for the manufacture or bottling of mineral waters
6. The Purchasers shall in their Conveyance also enter into a covenant to erect and thereafter maintain a suitable fence on the eastern side of the property
7. The Purchasers shall on completion pay the Vendor’s Surveyors’ fee of ____ and the Vendor’s Solicitors’ Scale fee of Ten Guineas and their disbursements in connection with this Agreement and the Conveyance of the property to the Purchasers
8. Condition 35 of the Law Society’s Conditions of Sale shall have effect in substitution for Condition 34 thereof
ALL THAT piece of land at the rear of The Bell Inn Bosbury in the County of Hereford containing 0.058 of an acre or thereabouts and shown coloured brown on the plan attached hereto
PLAN (opens in a new tab)
Transcribed by Barry Sharples from the Bell Inn records
kindly loaned by Margaret Spence, January 2013