THIS LEASE is made the twenty first day of December one thousand nine hundred and sixty nine BETWEEN THOMAS HONE of Bosbury House Bosbury in the County of Hereford GEOFFREY GRIFFITHS of Temple Court Bosbury aforesaid BERNARD JONES of Bridge House Bosbury aforesaid and MARY LANE of Sedgemoore Bosbury aforesaid Spinster being the present Chairman and Trustees of the Bosbury Parish Hall Committee (hereinafter called “the Landlords” which expression where the context so admits includes the persons for the time being entitled to the reversion immediately expected upon the term hereby granted) of the first part and RICHARD EDWARD GOODWIN of The Stores Bosbury aforesaid PERCY SMITH of The Cross Bosbury WILLIAM PHILLIPSON of Slatchwood Bosbury aforesaid CHARLES ANTONY COOPER of Hill House Farm Bosbury aforesaid (hereinafter called “the Tenants” which expression shall where the context so admits include the survivors or survivor of them and their and his successors in title) of the second part and the said RICHARD EDWARD GOODWIN PERCY SMITH BERNARD JONES of Bridge House Bosbury aforesaid DEREK HUSSEY of 8 The Langlands Ledbury in the said County of Hereford the said CHARLES ANTONY COOPER JOHN WATSON HILL of Orchard Cottage Bosbury aforesaid HENRY JOHN HILL of 2 Aylscroft Bosbury aforesaid JOHN MASON of 6 Morton Cottages Bosbury aforesaid WILLIAM PHILLIPSON ERNEST BARNES of 5 Morton Cottages aforesaid DOUGLAS EDWARD GREEN of the Vicarage Bosbury aforrsaid Clerk in Holy Orders RAYMOND WILLIAM CLARKE of Temple Court Lodge Bosbury aforesaid PANSY WATKINS of Brick House Bosbury aforesaid Spinster DOREECE GUNTER of The Brook Bosbury aforesaid Spinster JEAN DORCAS BETTINGTON of 4 Morton Cottages Bosbury aforesaid Married Woman FREDA MINNIE COLLETT of The Cottage Bosbury House Bosbury aforesaid ROSEMARY ELLEN WHEELER of Lower Hill Bosbury aforesaid Married Woman GLENYS JEAN PREECE of Maycroft Bosbury aforesaid Married Woman DIANA HILL of Orchard Cottage Bosbury aforesaid Married Woman PEGGY DIANA BOUGHTON of Police House Ashperton in the said county of Hereford Married Woman the present members of the Adult Management Committee of the Bosbury Youth Club Bosbury aforesaid (hereinafter called “the Commmittee” of the third part.
WITNESSETH as follows:—
1. THE Landlords hereby demise unto the Tenants ALL THAT piece
or parcel of land with the buildings erected thereon known as the Institute situate at the rear of the Parish Hall
in the Parish of Bosbury in the County of Hereford TOGETHER WITH a right of way at all
times and for all purposes over the car park forming part of the Village Hall aforeaid from and to the public highway
to and from the land and buildings hereby devised TO HOLD the same unto the Tenants from
the first day of January One thousand nine hundred and sixty nine for the term of Twenty one yeas (determinable as
hereinafter mentioned) paying therefore the yearly rent of Eleven ponds ten shillings being the present total rates
and insurance per annum of the demised premises by equal quarterly payments on the firat day of January the first day
of April the first day of July and the first day of October in each year the first payment on the first day of
April One thousand nine hundred and sixty nine.
2. THE Tenants hereby jointly and severally covenant with the Landlords as follows:—
(a) to pay the rent reserved on the days and in the manner aforesaid without any deduction.
(b) to pay to the Landlords such additional rates and insurance premiums as may become payable in respect of the
property hereby demised from and after the date hereof.
(c) at all times during the said term to keep the demised premises in a clean and tidy state.
(d) not to erect any buildings on the demised premises without the previous written consent of the landlords which
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
(e) to permit the Landlords and any person or persons authorised by them at all reasonable times to enter upon
and examine the condition of the demised premises and any buildings for the time being erected thereon.
(f) not to do or permit or suffer anything to be done in or upon the demised premises or any part thereof
or in any buildings erected or to be erected thereon which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance or cause damage
or inconvenience to the Landlords o to the owners or occupiers of any adjoining or neighbouring premises.
(g) not to assign underlet or part with or share with others the possession of the demised premises or any part
thereof or any buildings erected or to be erected thereon without the previous written consent of the Landlords.
(h) not to use the demised premises or any part thereof or any building erected or to be erected thereon for any
purpose other than Youth club activities. (i) at the expiration or sooner determination of the said term peaceably
to surrender and yield up to the Landlords the demised premises in accordance with the foregoing covenants.
3. THE Landlords hereby covenant with the Tenants that the Tenants paying the rent hereby reserved and performing and observing the covenants and conditions hereinbefore contained and on the part of the Tenants to be performed and observed (a) shall peaceably hold and enjoy the demised premises during the term hereby granted without any interruption or disturbance by the Landlords or any persons claiming under them (b) the Landlords will punctually pay and discharge all rates from time to time charged upon the demised premises and pay all insurance premiums in respect of the demise as and when the same shall become payable.
(a) If the rent hereby reserved or any part thereof
shall at any time be in arrear or unpaid for Twenty one days after the same shall have become due (whether legally
demanded or not) or if the Tenants shall at any time fail or neglect to perform or observe any of the covenants or
conditions herein contained and on their part to be performed and observed then in any such case the Landlords may
re-enter upon the devised premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole and henceforth hold and enjoy the
same as if this Lease had not been granted without prejudice to any right of action or remedy for any antecedent
breach of covenant by the Tenants.
(b) The provisions of Section 196 of the Law of Property Act 1925 as amended by the Recorded Delivery Service Act
1962 apply to the notice under this Lease.
(c) The liability of the Tenants on the covenants herein contained and on their part performed and observed and the
liability on such covenants and their successors in title being Trustees for the time being of the said Committee
shall be limited to the amount of the assets of the said Committee whether or not in their hands but nothing herein
contained shall affect any powers or remedies of the Landlords in respect of any breach non observance or non
performance of the said covenants except as regards the personal liability of the Tenants and their successors in
title being such Trustees as aforesaid.
5. PROVIDED FURTHER that the Tenants shall have the option to determine the Lease hereby
granted at any time upon giving not less than six months calendar months notice in writing to the Landlords expiring
on the First day of January the First day of April and the First day of July or the First day of October in any year
PROVIDING the Tenants shall have observed all their obligations under this Lease to the
expiration of this notice and upon possession then being given of the demised premises to the Landlords.
IN WITNESS whereof the Landlords have hereunto set their hands and seals and the Tenants have to a
counterpart hereof set their hands and seals the day and year first before written.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered by
in the presence of Edith Smith The Cross Bosbury
Signed, Sealed and Delivered by
the said PERCY SMITH [signature]
in the presence of Edith Smith The Cross Bosbury
Signed, Sealed and Delivered by
in the presence of J.R.Davies Nashend Farm Bosbury Farmer
Signed, Sealed and Delivered by
in the presence of W.Godsall Catley Southfield Bosbury Nr. Ledbury
Lease drawn up by Hulme and Parry, Solicitors, Worcester
Transcribed by BSS from copy held by Bosbury Parish Hall, 2016