Covering Letter
From: C.E. Lilley, Commissioner for Oaths, Bank Crescent, Ledbury
To: E.T. Lane Esq., Old Court, Bosbury, Near Ledbury.
13 July 1916
Dear Sir
Bosbury Memorial
Mrs Buck to Bosbury Parish Council.
Referring to my letter to you of June 8th ult., I now
return the Deed of Gift made by Mrs Buck, bearing date 7th
June 1916, duly stamped with an adjudication stamp affixed,
please acknowledge receipt. The deed should be executed by
the Parish Council and if you will give me a call I will
explain to you how this should be done.
Yours truly,
Chas. E. Lilley
Dated 7th June 1916
Mrs Marian Buck
the Parish Council
of Bosbury in the county
of Hereford
of a piece or parcel of land
situate in the parish of
Bosbury in the County of
THIS INDENTURE made the seventh day of June one thousand nine hundred and sixteen BETWEEN Marian Buck of Noverings in the parish of Bosbury in the county of Hereford Widow of the one part and The Parish Council of Bosbury in the said County of Hereford (hereinafter called the Council) of the other part. WHEREAS it has been decided to raise a permanent Memorial in honour of those men of the parish of Bosbury who during the first year of the Great War now being waged voluntarily joined the armed forces of this Country AND whereas the said Marian Buck is seised of the land hereinafter described and intended to be hereby assured for an estate of inheritance in fee simple in possession free from incumbrances and with a view to assist in carrying the aforesaid Memorial into effect has agreed to give and convey the same to the Council in manner hereinafter appearing.
NOW this indenture witnesseth that for effectuating such purpose and in consideration of the premises She the said Marian Buck as beneficial owner Doth hereby grant and convey unto the Council ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate in the Village of Bosbury in the County of Hereford (forming part of the grounds of the Old Vicarage) having a frontage of twelve feet to the Main road leading from Ledbury to Worcester and a depth of twenty four feet on either side bounded on the North and West sides by other portions of the Old Vicarage grounds on the East by the Churchyard of the parish Church of Bosbury aforesaid and on the South by the aforesaid Main Road TO HOLD the same unto and to the use of the Council and their assigns for the purpose of the said Memorial.
IN WITNESS whereof the said parties hereto have hereunto set their respective hands and seals the day and year first before written.
Signed sealed and delivered by the said Marian Buck in the presence of George R Parkin, Seymour House, Waterlow Place S.W. Organising Secretary .... Trust
Document held at Masefield Solicitors, Ledbury.