John Stedman Inventory, 1779

Summary:  An inventory of items owned by John Stedman that he was enumerating to prepare for the sale of his business in Niagara before returning to England. Written in his own hand and held at the Buffalo History Museum. Note the man he owned.


Mr John Stedman’s estimation of sundries on the
Carrying place at Little Niagara October 19th 1779.

50 good working oxen   @ £40     £2000
24 good working horses@ £20£480
10 milk cows@ £20 £200
3- 2 years old heifers@ £10 £30
3- 2 years old oxen@ £20£60
2 Bulls@ £20£40
12 calves@ £8£96
30 sheep@ £3£90
40 hogs all sows@ £4£160
1 fine healthy negro man£140
30 horses mares and colts@ £12£360
1 Black stallion£60
Houses, Stables, barn all buildings about the
house cleared & fenced lands, at this time£2000
Saw mill & all utensils thereto belonging with
200 logs - if more to be valued at 8/- each£500
4 new box wagons complete with iron axletrees
& beast boxes£300
3 horse wagons ditto£150
2 ox waggons new last year £120
  do.       do.       do.£60
  do.       do.       do.£40
4 ox carts broad wheels£120
3 Dung carts£90
4 common horse wagons £80
Harness complete for do. £32
30 ox yokes and bows@ 16/- £24
23 ox chains@ 60/- £69
3 large ox sleds shod@ £8£24
3 large horse sleds shod@ £10£30
1 pleasure sled and harness complete£20
2 large wheel barrows@ 16/-£1.12s
Amount carried ?on£7376.12

Information supplied by kind permission of Carl B. Skompinski, Upper Landing Historian, and the Buffalo History Museum

Barry Sharples, 2017.

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