In our advertising columns we have inserted an account of the receipts and expenditure incurred in the erection of this school-room. The liberal contributions of the owners of property, in addition to the munificent grant of the “Committee of Council on Education,” have enabled the promoters of the school to erect a very commodious and handsome room 30ft. by 20ft; 18ft. High. The building fronts the porch of the church and lytchgate, and forms a very striking object in the centre of a group of old gabled buildings of the Tudor æra. The north Window is constructed of Bath stone, with handsome mullions; the baye-board* ornamented with the trefoil and acorn alternately, gives a handsome finish to the village front. Much credit is due to Mr. Juckes, the architect, for finishing the building within the stipulated time, and also for not exceeding the terms of his contract. The property of the school is vested in the Vicar and Churchwardens of the parish, who are also the “Committee of Management”. The tenant-farmers of the parish, with their accustomed liberality, hauled the building-materials; and this favour was much enhanced by the fact that their teams and waggons were cheerfully offered during the harvest months, to “their own hindrance.” A deficit of £12 4s. 0d. in the receipts will (we have every reason to hope) be made up by proprietors of land who have not yet contributed towards the good work. The school has been visited by her Majesty’s School Inspector, and the Committee of Council have made grants for apprenticing pupil-teachers in the boys’ and girls’ school. The average attendance at the two schools in 130.
* barge-board
Transcribed by Barry Sharples, 2013