Bosbury in
Lascelles’ Directory of Herefordshire, 1851
BOSBURY is a small Village, about four miles N .N.W. of Ledbury; it contains a small number of houses, and
a few shops. The Parish is extensive and the adjacent country exceedingly productive, abounding with orchards and
hop grounds of first-rate character. Earl Somers is Lord of the Manor.
THE CHURCH is a small massive and substantial edifice, with a square detached tower, situated in
the centre of the Village. The Rev. John H. Underwood, M.A., Rector; Messrs. Wm. Palmer and Joseph Gardiner,
Churchwardens; Mr. Robert Chadd, Clerk. Service - 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. in Winter, 3 30 p.m. Summer.
There are TWO SCHOOLS of recent erection; they are well-built and calculated
for the accommodation and instruction of a great many scholars. Average number of boys, 80, girls, 60.
Mr. Alfred Job Burrows, Master; Sarah Callaway, Mistress.
Barratt Mr. John, Stapelow Cottage
Higgins Edward, Esq., Magistrate, Bosbury House
Underwood Rev. John H., M.A., Rector, Rectory
Baskerville John, victualler, shopkeeper, and Post Office, The Bell.
Berry Edward, farmer, Swinmore
Bishop Wm., grocer and tea dealer
Bosley Thomas, farmer, Bentleys
Brown Edward, farmer, Catley
Calder Joseph, farmer, Slatch
Carwardine Joseph, farmer, Dowding’s Brook
Chadd James, boot and shoemaker
Chadd Joseph, boot and shoemaker
Drew Robert, farmer, Orchard
Gardiner Joseph, farmer, Paddles
Gardiner Thomas, butcher
Hackton John, farmer, Grange
Harding Richard, cider retailer
Hickman Richard, farmer, The Farm
Inest Thomas, farmer, Old Court
Jenks Wm., beer retailer, The Bells
Jennings Wm., cooper
Jones Thomas, victualler, Crown
Kendrick Edward, farmer, Hill House
Lewis Henry, farmer, Town End
Lewis Mary, shopkeeper
Lewis Wm., farmer, Overend
Maddox Joseph, farmer, Upper Catley
Matthews John, Bailiff Riddens
Matthews Wm., farmer, Merring’s Farm
Mucklow James, farmer, Gold Hill
Mucklow John, farmer, Coal Green
Orgee Kenelm, beer retailer
Palmer John, farmer, Dog Farm
Palmer Wm., farmer, Notehouse
Phillips Jane, shopkeeper
Pitt Wm., farmer, Temple Court
Shaw John, butcher and shopkeeper
Smith Edward, farmer, Catley Cross
Spencer Edward, farmer, Woodlow
Squires Wm., farmer, The Green
Thomas David, blacksmith
Treherne Henry, farmer, Upper Catley
Vobe Wm., farmer, Old Country
Webb Nathaniel, farmer, Up Leddon
Welland James, farmer, Nashend
POST OFFICE. - Mr. John Baskerville, Receiver. Delivery 11 a.m.; box closes, 2 pm.