Property Sale, The Razees (Bosbury House), 1835.

The Edinburgh Gazette of Tuesday, 8th July, 1834, quoting the London Gazette, has Philip Howe Daniel, of the Razees, Bosbury, Hereford, cider-merchant and cattle-dealer, listed under ‘Bankrupts’. After the sale, issue number 19529 of the London Gazette, dated 14 April 1835, on page 731 reports that the Fiat in Bankrupcy was rescinded and annulled by the Court of Review on the 7th April 1835.


R A Z E E S   E S T A T E.

To be Sold by Auction,

On SATURDAY, the 28th day of MARCH l835, at Four o’clock in the Afternoon,


T H E   R A Z E E S,


The Mansion is pleasantly situated and suitable for the immediate reception of a genteel family; a flight of stone steps at the West front leads to a spacious Hall, from which you enter a Dining Room, Drawing Room, Breakfast Parlour, and small Library; a spacious and handsome oak staircase leads to the Bed Rooms. On the South front are two pleasant promenade Balconies, each nearly 40 feet long, and commanding an extensive prospect the upper one covering and protecting the lower one; a flight of stone steps leads from the lower one to the Lawn and Gardens, which are enclosed by brick walls; the North East and West sides are clothed with wall trees; the Garden is tastefully laid out and very productive. On the North side of the Mansion are the Stables, Barns, Cider Mill. Hop Kiln and other useful and convenient buildings, with Folds, and Rick Yards. The Estate is well planted with Fruit Trees, and, with the exception of two pieces, within a ring fence; 129A 2R. 7P. being Freehold, on which stand the Mansion and Buildings; 13A. 3R. OP Copyhold of Inheritance; and 4A. 1R. 3P. Leasehold for three good lives, held under the Bishop of Hereford, but no fine payable on renewal, the proprietor of a larger Estate in the parish being under covenant to renew at his own expence, on the death of either of the lives and this last land is Tythe Free.

The land is proportionably divided into Meadow, Arable, Hop Land, and Coppice Wood. The land tax, £4. 10s. 0d. per annum; chief rent for Copyholds, 17s. 10d.; reserved rent for Leasehold, £&poound;1. per annum. Fines are payable for the Copyholds on death or alienation only, in the occupation of the proprietors. The Mansion stands near a good road, and about a mile and a half on the Eastward side of the turnpike road, leading from the market town of Ledbury to the market town of Bromyard, distant from the former five, the latter eight, the City of Worcester ten, and the celebrated villages of Malvern and Malvern Wells, about four miles each. There are two workmen’s Cottages on the Estate.

A person on the Estate is appointed to shew the same. Descriptive particulars with lithographic plans, may be had of Mr. Hobbs, the Auctioneer; of Thomas France, Esq. Solicitor, Worcester; of Messrs. Higgins, Solicitors, Ledbury; and of Mr. George Hill, Solicitor, No. 16, Foregate-street, Worcester, and Blackhall-street, Kidderminster.

T E R R I E R.

A.     R.     P.
1  House, Buildings, Yards, &c              1124
2  Pigeon House Piece011
3  Rick Yard0120
4  Garden0238
5  Fish Pool Garden0115
6  Dog Garden0015
7  Dog Orchard,Grass1126
8  Turnip Orchard,Arable1339
9  Buck Clamp,Grass0232
10 The Lawn,Grass7035
11 Razees Hop Yard, Arable3327
12 Church Croft,Arable12029
13 New Meadow,Arable8014
14 Little Windsorend,Arable2230
15 The Hose,Arable8114
16 The Grove,Grass2027
17 Grove Hop Yard,Arable430
18 The Nine Acres,Arable718
19 The Yell,Grass628
20 The Ash Bed,Wood510
21 The Twenty Acres Orchard,Arable2039
22 Pear Tree Orchard,Arable300
23 Twenty Acres,Grass4227
24 Burnt Lands,Arable10117
25 Lower Hopeless Meadow,Grass13236
26 Upper Hopeless Meadow,Grass5021
27 Oilscroft,Arable9338
28 Bacon Hill Coppice,Wood2337
29 Cottage and Gardens103
30 Bacon Hill Sling0113

Document held at Bosbury Chroniclers Archive.

From Berrow’s Journal, Worcester, 1780 courtesy of rootsweb


TO be SOLD, either together or in Lots, at the Feathers Inn in Ledbury, in the County of Hereford, on Tuesday the 20th of June next, (unless disposed of in the mean Time, and in such Case timely Notice will be given thereof) The following FREEHOLD, COPYHOLD, and LEASEHOLD ESTATES. The Sale to begin at Two o’Clock in the Afternoon.

Lot I. A very desirable Freehold Estate called the Razees, situate in the Parish of Bosbury, in the County of Hereford, consisting of a good Mansion-House, with proper and convenient Out-buildings, and about 180 Acres of Arable, Meadow, Pasture, Hop Ground, and Woodland thereto belonging. Also a small but compact Freehold Estate called Paddles, situate in the same Parish, and lying near the Razees, consisting of a Dwelling House, Barn, Stable, and about 19 Acres of Land thereto belonging. Both these Farms are now in the Occupation of Francis Goodman.

Lot II. A Freehold Estate called Allways, situate in the same Parish, consisting of a Farm-House, proper Out-buildings, and about 36 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Grounds thereto belonging, and now in the Occupation of --- Goodman. Also a small Tenement lying near to the Town of Bosbury, and called by the Name of Ockerhill, with two Closes or Parcels of Meadow Ground thereto belonging, containing together about three Acres, and now also in the Occupation of the said --- Goodman.

Lot III. An undivided Moiety of the Great Tythes arising within the said Parish of Bosbury, and held by Lease for Lives, under the Bishop of Hereford.

Lot IV. A Messuage and farm called the Townend, being Part Freehold and Part Copyhold of Inheritance, lying within the Manor of Bosbury aforesaid, consisting of a large Farm-House, proper and convenient Out-buildings, and upwards of 167 Acres of Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Hop-Ground, thereto belonging, and now in the Occupation of William Sallaway.

N.B. The Estates are well timbered, and there is a proper Quantity of Orcharding, now in its Prime, and lucky for bearing, belonging to each Estate.

The respective Tenants will shew the Premises, and for further Particulars apply to Richard Brydges, Esq; at Old Colwell, near Ledbury; Mr. Thomas Brydges, Attorney at Law, at Barnard’s Green, near Great Malvern; or to Mr. Wheeler, at Winterfold, near Kidderminster, Worcestershire.

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