The BOSBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL Ledger 1835 to 1875

Following a drawn out legal dispute in Chancery, Bosbury struggles to reinstate its ancient Grammar School.

Meeting 15 June 1835 (page 4)
At a meeting of the Feoffees held (in pursuance of notice given) in the School Room at Bosbury June 15th 1835 in order to audit the outstanding rents and arrears of rent for Bosbury school, it was agreed to allow the present tenants to hold their respective lands and tenements and a fresh rent to commence from Candlemas next [2nd February]. - The arrears of rent stand as per margin - It was ordered at the aforementioned meeting that Mr. Phelps should be constituted Secretary and Treasurer to the new Feoffees of Bosbury School.
Signed     J.H.Underwood, Vicar and Feoffee, T. Heywood, P.S.Sparkman, Robt. Hartland, Thos. Ricketts

The names of the acting feoffees are listed on page 1 as:
John Hanmer Underwood, Vicar; Thomas Heywood of Hope End; William Henry Bridges of Ledbury; Robert Phelps, Solicitor, Grainge; James xxx Solicitor of Ledbury; Timothy Spencer, Banker, Ledbury; John Mutlow, Gent. Cold Green; George Shayle, Gent. Upleadon Court; Philip Stedman Sparkman, Gent. Nash End; Thomas Ricketts, Gent. Nelms. Others mentioned are marked as ‘deceased’.

The names of the tenants are listed on pages 4 and 5 as:
James Alcott; [Edward] Bettington; Edward Clarke; Robert Chadd; James Chadd; John Dovey; [Thomas] Drinkwater; Robert Hartland; James Hill; John James; Thomas Jones; Nancy Jones; Richard Jones; John Lewis; Thomas Owen; John Pritchard; William Turberville; William Vobe.

Meeting 15 January 1836 (page 6)
At a meeting held this day it was ordered that Mr. Phelps apply to Mr. Poole to attest the respectability of the new Feoffees of the Bosbury Free School and their fitness for their office, in order to the immediate confirmation of the Deed by the Chancellor as also for the Enrolment of the same.
It is also ordered that Mr. Phelps demand possession of all those lands and houses on the 2nd. Feby. of those tenants who refuse to [unclear] for their holdings at a fair rent and to pay up their arrears.
their present holdings to be offered them at these prices:

Drinkwater, Thos. - - - - - £2-10-0
Hill, James - - - - - - - - - - £12-0-0
Turberville [William] - - - - - 16-0 per acre
Clarke, Edwd. - - - - - - - - 5-0
Jones [Thomas] Palace (Woodings Corner) - 2-0 per acre
Hickox [Joseph] - - - - - - - - £2-12-6
Hartland R[obert] - - - - £1-0-0
Alcott [James] - - - - - £4-0-0
Dovey, John - - - - - - - £4-0-0
Chadd, Robt. - - - - - -£6-0-0

That Mr Phelps be authorised to rest the lands and houses to the present holders upon their paying the rent fixed at the last taking in 1831.
That Mr. Phelps be [space left] to fix as early a day as possible for a fresh meeting and to apprise the Trustees of it.
Signed J.H.Underwood, Chairman

Meeting 22 June 1837 (page 9)
At a meeting of the Feoffees of Bosbury Charity School held this 22nd day of June 1837
In order to prevent any mistakes in the application of the Charity funds, the resolution of 13th May 1837 ordering that £40 be apportioned out of the rents and proceeds of Bosbury Free School lands to be paid to the Revd. J.H.Underwood on the 24th June 1838 and that the Free School be opened on Midsummer Day 1837 for all Male Children born in lawful wedlock of Bosbury Parents who pay their own rents, rates and Parochial Taxes, be rescinded.

The Trustees feel themselves precluded making any orders upon the subject of Mr. Church’s letter until they see the Chancellor’s order of 1st April 1827. And that Mr. Phelps be requested to procure without loss of time a copy of the same on receipt of which [the] Trustees will meet and decide upon Mr. Church’s client’s claim.

The order of last meeting authorizing 40/- for the repair of the School Room is rescinded.
J.H.Underwood, Chairman

Meeting 27 October 1837 (page 11)
At a meeting of the Feoffees of Bosbury School held this 27th day of October 1837
Mr Phelps is ordered to proceed by distress against all Tenants of Bosbury School who do not pay up their Rents and arrears this Day according to the Schedule laid before the Trustees this morning (being the rental for 1837).
Mr. Phelps is empowered and directed by the Feoffees to offer to Mr.Bridges of Red Lion Square, London, representative of the Agents to the relators in the Chancery case “Attorney General v. Johnson” the sum of 105£ as a discharge in full for all demands made by the said Agents against the Feoffees of Bosbury School and he is further directed in the event of Mr. Bridges acceding to these terms, to require from him a full receipt and discharge for all such demands, bills of costs etc.etc. in such Suit.
The Feoffees are anxious to meet Mr.Bridges wishes, as far as they possibly can, and restore and repair the decayed Schoolhouse and Tenements, agree to pay 18£ a piece in furtherance of the Proposition Mr.Phelps is authorised to make. J.H.Underwood (on behalf of the Trustees)

Meeting 12 April 1838 (page 12)
At a meeting of the Feoffees of Bosbury School held this 12th Day of April 1838
Present Messrs. Spencer, Ricketts, Sparkman, Shayle and Underwood
  That Messrs. Webb, Holbrook and Spencer be requested to open an account with the Trustees of the School and to advance the sum of 150£ to Mr. Bridges representative of the parties claiming a Debt for law expenses from the School Estates such sum of 150£ to bear Interest at the rate of 5£ per Cent per Annum.
  That the Vicar or Churchwarden with a view to facilitate the immediate opening of the School for the benefit of the Parish generally be requested to lend the sum of 30£ now lying at Ledbury Bank to the account of the Trustees (no interest).
  That Mr. Underwood be requested to take measures to secure the immediate payment of the arrears to Meeking’s Charity to pay the same to Messrs. Webb, Holbrook and Spencer to be carried to the general School account.
  That Mr. Underwood be authorised to provide a teacher for the Free School to be paid at the rate of 40£ per annum, that Mr. Underwood be requested to act as governor and comptroller of the School subject to the directions and [space] of the Feoffees.
  That Mr. Underwood cause Notice to be published to the Parishioners that Bosbury Free Grammar School will be opened on the 1st May 1838 for the education of all children born in lawful wedlock of Bosbury parents not having parish pay and paying their taxes; that parents who wish their children at the School be directed to attend with them at 10 o’clock on the 1st May at the meeting of the Feoffees in the Schoolroom.
  That Mr. Phelps write to the Overseers of Bosbury to demand arrears of rent for the cottage occupied by Thos. Johns.
  That Mr. Phelps be directed and authorized to settle with E. Bettington for Dowdings brook at the rate of £11 10s. for the first year and 7£ per annum for the following years.
  That Mr. Vobe be required to account for the rent of a piece of land once occupied by Fowles.
  That Trustees to meet in the School room on the 1st May at 11 o'clock. J.H.Underwood to balance the general account and to open the School. J.H.Underwood

Meeting May 1st 1838 (page 16)
At a meeting of the Feoffees of Bosbury Free School held this day persuant to due notice given for opening the School.
  The Boys intituled to education in Bosbury School who attended the meeting were admitted and enrolled. The Trustees appointed Mr. Henery Treherne Master of the School at the yearly salary of 40£ per annum payable every 1st. May successively.
1st.  Mr. Phelps is requested to pay the balance of monies in the School account to the {unclear] of the Trustees of Bosbury School at Messrs. Spencer & Co.
2nd.  Mr. Phelps is requested at his earliest convenience to see Mr. Bridges to pay him the stipulated sum of 150£ and to procure from him a receipt in full for all demands for law expenses on the School Estates.
3rd.  Mr. Phelps is requested to settle any demands which Mr. Church may have against the School Estates for business and since the last settlement.
The Feoffees have great pleasure in bearing testimony to the disinterested zeal and kind attention paid by Mr. Phelps to the affairs of the School. To his exertions they attribute the reestablishment of the School after many years during which it had been closed & the estates plundered and delapidated. They repeat that their duty as Trustees of public property prevents their offering to Mr. Phelps any pecuniary recompense his able professional advice handsomely and gratuitously afforded but they unanimously request that he will continue to act as Agent for the Bosbury Free Grammar School Estates at the yearly compensation of 4 per cent on the assessable rental.

Meeting January 18th 1841 (page 28)
At a meeting of the Feoffees held at the Vicarage House this 18 January
Present Messieurs Shayle, Ricketts, Sparksman and Underwood
The Rev. J.H.Underwood vicar of Bosbury is hereby nominated Head Master of the Free Grammar School, Bosbury and is directed to apply immediately to the Lord Bishop of the Diocese for his License.
The Rev. J.H.Underwood accepts the appointment, but hereby covenants and agrees for hinself, his heirs, executors and assigns not to receive any of the rents, profits, monies (excepting tithe computations) from the School Lands, Houses, Estates and Hereditaments.
The Rev. J.H.Underwood appoints Mr. Henry Treherne to be his second Master and hereby undertakes not to remove him from such second-Mastership unless for grave reasons to be approved by the maajority of Trustees. A cheque for £4-0-0 due to Mr. Stratford was signed on [unclear] Treasurer.
Signed:   J.H.Underwood, Vicar
Geo. Shayle
Thos. Ricketts
Phillip Sparkman

1847 (page 56)
The increased attendance at the School requires an enlarged application of the monitorial system. The Master is directed to select two or more boys who shall be charged (under his supervision) with the training of the two junior classes at such amount of remuneration as the Trustees shall determine.
Signed J.H.Underwood, Headmaster

1853 (page 24 from back)
At the Annual Examination and Distribution of Prizes under the provisions of the Will of the late Mr. Meeking, the prizes were awarded as under. [see Meeking’s Prize List] To Allen Pupil-teacher on leaving the school with great credit & distinction to take the situation of Assistant-Master at the Hereford-Scudamore School.

Meeting August 3rd 1857 (page 29 from back)
At a meeting of the Trustees held at the Vicarage, Bosbury
Present: Rev.Berkeley L.S.Stanhope, Messrs. H. Treherne, John Mutlow, James Gregg
Resolved: That in consequence of the School Estate not producing sufficient funds for securing the services permanently of a Certificated Master, according to the Average Rate of payments at other Schools in this District, the salary be henceforward augmented by the payment of one penny weekly by each child.
Note - Exemption from the above payment may be claimed where three brothers are attending school at the same time so far as relates to the third brother.
The above payment has ben rendered necessary in consequence of the refusal of Government to allow the Augmentation Grant to Masters of Endowed Schools - while it will secure the receipt from Government of the Capitation Grant.
It was further resolved that the above rule should take effect from the first day of October next, - and to be tried experimentally for the term of twelve months
Signed:   Berkeley L.S.Stanhope
Henry Treherne
James Gregg
John Mutlow

Note 1864 (page 38 from back)
A petition against the Endowed School Minute of May 19 1863 was signed and forwarded to Jas.K.King Esq. M.P., for presentation to the House of Commons.

Note 1865 (page 41 from back)
The School was inspected May 29th by H.M.Inspector Rev.J.W.D.Hernaman whose report is annexed.
"Discipline & general efficiency good - Instruction fairly good. Religious knowledge, good - Reading and History, fairly good. Dictation, Arithmetic & Geography fair. The Boys in Standard IV should learn the application of Arithmetic to the transactions of life and should be exercised in sums which appeal to the intelligence.
The Endowment to you Boys School has been treated under Article 59 (Revised Code) but its amount does not admit of any Grant being paid to that Department.
The Government Grant may therefore be looked to as finally withdrawn.

Information has been transcribed by Barry Sharples from the documentary records of the Old Grammar School, Bosbury with grateful thanks to the Bosbury Educational Foundation, 2011.

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